Calculator for the ending score of gymnasium here in Sweden
Display to show time tables for buss and subway stops/stations around NOD in Kista, Sweden
A game I made during multiple streams on Twitch (OffTheGridCG). More info on the site!
NOTE: Score server is permanently decommissioned.
Retune ReUse is a internal auction site for the company I currently work on. This was made as a tool to resell old hardware from the company and put it to good use at home.
DDLCMods is a website that will work as a database for Doki Doki Litrature Club (DDLC) mods. Authors will upload the mods here to help the comunity to have all the mods in one single space.
DROP REASON: another page filled the void.
PillTracker is a tracker for your own convenience to keep track of you pills and when to take them.
DROP REASON: potential issues with GDPR laws regarding storrage of medical data.
CMTrace Online Tool or "CRTOT" is an online log viewer. To review logs from applications and services like Powershell Application Deployment Toolkit "PSADT" and Intune Management Extension "IME"
Legend: Done | On Hold | Active | Planning | Dropped